Thursday, 2 December 2010

Who Brought This Woman Here?

I am watching Question Time now and have seen something that is really worth noting here. A female MP panellist called Nadine Dorries is the worst I have so far seen in Britain.
Unless, I have caught her on her worst day, I find it shocking that a woman so hollow, so shallow in reasoning and so representative of mediocrity is representing a community of highly intelligent people in England of all places.
This Woman’s contribution in the debate on the issue of University Tuition fees was most cringe-worthy and absolutely disgraceful!
She simply could not answer questions asked and went on rambling like an incompetent woman that got her position through an unholy means. She was transfixed with trying to invent a new defence for tuition fees that she simply scored zero in listening test.
I will be surprised if the mainstream media does not pick up MP Dorries’ shambolic performance tonight on the Question Time.

Perhaps, the climax of MP Dorries’ demonstration of mediocrity was when she claimed that most (or did she say all) people in her constituency are complaining about their taxes being used to subsidise university tuition fees when actually they have never benefited from University education. She was basically arguing that one reason for the hike was because those who have not ( and may never) benefit from University education are paying taxes to sustain universities. She foolishly could not notice the conspicuous mass cringing around her, from the floor and of course from across the country and continued to hammer that disgraceful point.
It would be a big shame if no media picks up this woman’s show of shame and ultimate embarrassment of the Conservative Party.
Lest I be accused of sexism, Ms Dorries was not the only personification of British mediocrity on the panel. Mr Danny Alexander was not much better. He was another shameful show of nastiness. John Sargent was spot on when he described him as pathetic!
I must confess that my views about these two have not been shaped by their nasty stand on the tuition fees debate, but purely on their performance. If they had been able to debate to the standard expected of their level, I would not have found anything noteworthy. My views have absolutely nothing to do with their support for the hike in tuition fees.


Anonymous said...

While I have no time whatsoever for the idiocy of Dorries, I'm not sure I understand your point about taxes. I didn't watch QT. What was the reason for the cringing reaction? That she clearly had no idea what her constituents really thought about public funding for Higher Education? Or that many (perhaps as many as 50% these days) do benefit from it?

Iain Marley said...

That was the second time I've had the misfortune to witness the clueless and inept Nadine "at work"... her last performance on QT was equally as embarrassing, her lack of knowledge and grasp of the most basic of concepts was quite shocking.

What continually amazes me is her complete inability to actually LISTEN to what people say to her. One would think that as an accountable, elected MP, she would have the most basic of skills covered.... alas not, it would seem.

I hope her constituents were able to witness the contemptible manner in which this woman conducts herself. Talk about a waste of public funds....

ekcol said...


I think the idea that you should only pay taxes for things that directly benefit you is pretty odious, whatever you think of education funding specifically. I've never needed to go to hospital, but you wouldn't let me off paying taxes for it.

John said...

That it is an entirely unintelligent point to make even if anyone in her constituency ever complained to her about paying taxes for Universities they do not benefit from. It is also without doubt most improbable that people are complaining only in her own constituency or that her constituency is populated by anti-university education men and women.
I think she was probably too desperate to show her support for the government, but not smart enough to know what to say!

Anonymous said...

ok, thanks. I do think there are a significant number of otherwise intelligent (or not) people who want to know what's in it for them when it comes to raising tax. I've met plenty and it wouldn't surprise me if Dorries has as well. What's shocking of course, particularly given that a small percentage of my tax goes to paying her salary, is that she isn't capable of enlightening them rather than burdening the rest of us with their small minded gibberish.